Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Iceland GB; Day 4

Hi, good morning everyonee ☺️ It's currently 7am in the morning, and it's so bright outside, and I couldn't sleep after subuh (unfortunately ahaha)

So how did our day 4 started? Right after subuh, around 7.30am, we then started moving, trying to head southeast Iceland, which is Jökulsárlón, a glacial lake which was 5-6 hours drive I think. So we went to the highway we did the previous day, in which we were stuck in the snow storm. And happened to be, againnnnnn, stuck again. Even worse, the van couldn't move, at all. Not even a feet, not even after everyone went out of the van and push it, not even after Mal pressed so hard. We were stuck. It was 7 am, it was super cold. We tried and tried for an hour.

We were lucky that there was a local passing by, she then helped us to call the rescue team from the nearest town up there. So we waited for 45 minutes for them to come and rescue us, and we had to pay 30,000 Kr, equivalent to £200, which was fine as long as we were all safe, and the £200 was split with 9 people anyway. Since then, GB feels like a familyyyy, so much things we've been through together :')

What Syira did while we were waiting ahaha

Alright then, after the help from the rescue team, Mal and I found the alternative route to head southeast Iceland, which was 2 hours longer than the original plan. From 5 hours drive, now it is 7 hours drive. We all felt bad for Mal as he was the only one driving, and we all know he was tired, but there was nothing we could do. Thanks abah :') Thank you so much for all your tiredness you were willing to sacrifice for us! :') Okay back to the story, we then went to the place we came from, had some groceries shopping (chips shopping, I mean) and settled down fresh and ready to start the day! (again, apparently ahaha)

With GB, there's no such thing called bad start of the day ☺️

Before heading out!

Nice view, as usual

Pit stop for zuhur, and lunch (bread and jam as usual), Mal was tired actually! This was 1pm.

Everyone was sleeping then

After hoursss, 3.30pm, Jökulsárlón then! 📍basically it was not a really good one, probably because it's spring, the view isn't as nice as expected.

Road trips, everyone was high I guess ahahah

One hour drive then, Foss A Sidu! 📍 WATERFALL! More shots of waterfall!

Most importantly, GROUP PHOTO!

Alright moving on, 1 hour and 30 minutes drive, then 30 minutes of walking, Fjaðrárgljúfur, a canyon! 😍 So beautiful, masya Allah! And here was the place that Justin Bieber shoot for I'll Show you!

SO BEAUTIFUL subhanallah! Alright then, 2 hours and 30 minutes drive, we head to Hella, southern Iceland. Everyone was sleeping when we arrived! What we did that night was - spaghetti for dinner, and sleep straight away! Such long day. Alhamdulillah everything is fine!