Monday, April 25, 2016

Iceland GB; Day 3!

Hi, so I'm done studying for today. So why not going for a post rightt? Alright, day 3 in Iceland started realllly fun. Cause we lived in the same house, had new series of drama, ahahah as in it feels like we are a family! And the feeling is super nice, who can even predict we, GB would end up being like a family ☺️ So we started with subuh, and then the girls can't sleep, so we end up making breakfast straight away. I was tired, like super tired, cause it feels like I was the one driving ahahah so yeah, I was tired and the girls were all like forcing me to just stay aside and rest and sleep, so nice of them! Then the guys went to buy groceries, we had breakfast together, and fun together of course! Checked out around 11 am.

My morning view was lovely, guys. It really was!

Time to check out! Gdbye Akureyri!

And another pit stop!

1 hour and 30 minutes drive, we checked in here - Hverarond 📍Geothermal, in other words ahahah. Ugh the smell, like poop >< Not a good poop, to be honest ahahah but nah, it's not everyday that you get to see this kind of stuff, so why not

And then, one hour road trip! This one here is nice! WATERFALLS! More waterfalls!! But this one is super challenging. We had to walk in ice, yup ice, which was so tiring, cause we were kind of struggling with slippery ice and some spot were really soft, making us fall. It was a 1.5km walk, super tiring. Not once, not twice that we fall hahah

But the view was magnificient! Totally worth it. Here is Dettifoss 📍

Later, another 1 km walk, for another waterfall, which was Selfoss 📍 Guys, no matter how hard the walking and struggling was, it's all worth it, really. The view, the waterfall were superb.
Btw, Syira is the one yang keeeeeeep jatuh! :D

Okay, here's one looong story then. After those two waterfalls, we should have 5 hours drive, to Hofn, southeastern Iceland. So when Mal was driving south, the view was nice as usual, except the fact that it was kind of weird that we could see ice crossing from the right side of the road, to the left, which meant the wind was reaaaal strong. It was weird, Mal and I had this feeling that something was wrong, but we just keep going.

And bum! We were right! Snow storm was coming ><

Luckily it was still early, it was still bright (not really, but at least it's not freakin dark) we headed back down to the nearest town, where we stopped to fill the tank earlier. Kesian Mal, we were kind of serabut, to be honest, deciding what to do, with GPS and stuff, fuhhh. I aged, in a night guys ahahah the worries and all, fuhh, and Mal was tired (of course, it was long hoursss of drive), I had to decide, him as well, dia abah right! So we decided to overnight in the van. This is one whole new level of a trip, cause that was unexpected.

So anyway, we headed to the petro kiosk. Had a looot of fries for dinner. Around 10pm then, we got in to our van, and settling down. Playing with phone, talking and later, sleep. It was a new experience, and it was cold, really cold. I didn't check the temperature, but Mal and I decided to turn off the engine and sleep. But then, we barelllly slept. My legs were shivering, Mal as well. Sebab kitaorang duduk depan, and bukak tingkap a bit, and kitaorang ended up kesejukan! Fuhhh so I couldn't sleep, and around 2 am, Mal turned on the engine, and heater on! Fuhhh lega, Alhamdulillah. Less cold!

My little family dinner!

So woke up for Subuh, kesian everyoneee. It was really cold outside, but kena ambil air sembahyang kat luar haihh. Then we try to head southern Iceland around 8 am I think, which comes to Day 4, and I'm going to continue later. X