Hi. I admit I'm no longer that friendly type after what had happened to me when I was 15. I lost them just in a year. My best friend, my nenek and my friend. I was stupid for dwelling on the memories for too long. I missed a lot of opportunities and has became a rebel. I wasn't ungrateful but I felt so left out. A big test from Allah.. I believe
Best friend won't leave. Best friend will stick.
The most important thing, best friend won't be happy when I'm unhappy.
So I don't know, something has just came into my body, and finally I realized.. Who the real and who isn't. Dear, thanks for doing all those things in front of me. Now I finally realized. Thanks Allah.
Saya memang selalu harap benda tu akan ulang balik. Tapi saya dah belajar untuk lepaskan, lepaskan orang yang dah pergi, dah pun takde, dan saya belajar untuk lepaskan orang yang masih ada. Saya percaya Allah nak bagi benda yang lebih baik. Saya percaya Allah tarik satu untuk bagi lebih baik daripada tu. Saya percaya hilang satu akan digantikan dengan sesuatu yang lain.
I've done this when I was form 3. I showed them I can do it, and very much alive after Allah took a part of my happiness away. Allah has replaced my happiness with 10A's and 8A's as well. That's okay, I've my mum, my abah, my abang and my kakak.. Who always be beside me whenever I need them. Alhamdulillah.